Sandrine Pelletier


Only the ocean is pacific

The Museum of Fine Arts offers the artist Sandrine Pelletier her first solo exhibition in an institution. Born in 1976, Sandrine Pelletier was trained at the School of Applied Arts in Vevey followed by the ECAL, the cantonal art school in Lausanne where she lives today. The artist quickly became known for her experiments with craft techniques (weaving, ceramics, glass, wood, …) and for her world full of popular traditions tinted with a slight melancholy. Awarded the Swiss Design Award (2004), she recently had grants by the Foundations Alice Bailly (2013), Irene Reymond (2014) and the Visual Arts section of the Canton of Vaud (2014). Between two residential workshops (Meuse in 2014 and Cairo in 2015) and the relocation of her studio to Brussels this spring, Sandrine Pelletier has created for the Museum three new works that plunge the viewer into an oppressive atmosphere showing that the ocean is far from peaceful.
