

Genesis of a collection

To celebrate the reopening of the museum after three years of renovations and to mark the 150th anniversary of the Society of Fine Arts and of the Museum, a selection of works from the museum collection of paintings is presented in the room that was the birthplace of museum in 1908.

The exhibition traces the history of the museum collections from the late nineteenth to early twentieth century, following the trail of acquisitions made from many donations, important loans and purchases. Among the artists represented in this hanging are Cuno Amiet, Bocion François Georges Dessouslavy Charles Eplattenier Maurice Mathey, Léo-Paul Robert and Lermite.

Curators : Lada Umstätter, Curator of the Museum of Fine Arts in La Chaux-de-Fonds, and Sara Terrier, Associate Curator of the Museum of Fine Arts in Le Locle. Assisted by Charlotte Hillion, scientific collaborato
