Day 3611, 2019
A Normal Working Day presents a unique installation where performance, movement, visual creation, choreography and artistic experimentation all come together. The exhibition created and produced by the Swiss collective A Normal Working Day combines the extravagant and sensual world of dancers and choreographers Delgado and Fuchs, with the precision of the poetic and electromechanical installations of visual artist Zimoun. The three artists offer a reflection on body language, clothing and transvestism, as well as the postures and situations that arise from their combination.
Combining choreography and sculpture, this work is composed of human-sized puppets created from Delgado and Fuchs’s moving bodies. In constant movement thanks to small electric motors, characteristic of Zimoun’s work, this installation deconstructs the essence and the appearance of one’s self, questioning the notions of individuality, identity and stereotypes. Integrated into a thoroughly staged creation, the characters become images, icons and true actors of their own metamorphosis. To do this, bodies are captured in fully orchestrated visual systems. Motifs take over the space and seem to multiply, creating an effect that is both appealing and daunting. Working in neighbouring studios, Marco Delgado, Nadine Fuchs and Zimoun started to question what they considered was a «normal working day» and created the collective A Normal Working Day. Their approach is interactive and deliberately transdisciplinary, bringing together the visual and performing arts through seductive rituals, mischievous disguises and moving disembodied beings.
After hosting a performance by Delgado and Fuchs in 2015 and an exhibition by Zimoun in 2016, MBAL continues to promote contemporary art, showing that artistic experimentation cannot be limited to gender or to the individual work of an artist. A Normal Working Day places the collective at the forefront of artistic performance. Zimoun’s minimalistic approach, which explores sound through electromechanical visual installations, takes on a unique dimension when combined with the sensual and uninhibited world of the two dancers.
Day 3611, 2019 was created in collaboration with Collection Lambert (Avignon) and CENTQUATRE(Paris) and is supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.