The making of images


Vik Muniz

If you had to sum up the work of Vik Muniz in one word, the response would be: photographic! For over 25 years, the Brazilian artist has made use of improbable materials to reproduce images which he subsequently photographs: chocolate, dust, toys, diamonds, soil, litter, torn paper… Both a recycler and a pictorial wizard, Muniz reconstructs images which form part of our visual memory. When these are then photographed, this serves to renounce the originals from which they derive, thus confronting the viewer with an illusory representation. The prints’ large format draws us in to a fascinating visual experience. As we stand before these works, we can question the impact of the images that make up our memories, whether collective or individual. In the internet age, when everything can be photographed and disseminated on a grand scale, there is an urgent need to probe our own relationship with images – whether art historical masterpieces or images from popular culture. In this visual brouhaha, Muniz goes some way towards recreating a favourable environment for reflection and contemplation.

The exhibition has been organised in collaboration with Galerie Xippas, Geneva and Paris.
