in response to the dystopian scenarios confronting our contemporary society, the mbal has chosen to celebrate utopia through the legacy of the mythical monte verità, swiss cradle of the avant-garde, revered worldwide. this magnetic oasis on the monescia hill in ticino was home to the first alternative, naturist, feminist and vegetarian colony in the early 20th century, a precursor of the counter-culture movements that followed, and has seen a succession of anarchists, thinkers and artists pass through its doors over the years. consecrated by visionary harald szeemann’s exhibition monte verità. le mammelle della verità (1978), the hill is still today a place of pilgrimage that awakens, enlightens and consoles. but what remains of the utopias that gravitated around this “bermuda triangle of the spirit” ?
created in collaboration with the fondazione monte verità, the exhibition la scia del monte (the trace of the mountain) or the magnetic utopians brings together 26 contemporary artists, whose creations have been inspired by monte verità and its surrounding aura, to resonate with the genius of the place and its female figures. the exhibition offers an eclectic and captivating dialogue between nature, art and spirit, questioning the notion of the “reform of life” desired by the precursors. exploring all media and techniques, from video art to artificial intelligence, installation, sculpture, painting, photography, engraving, sound and fabric, the exhibition underscores the importance of switzerland as a home for free spirits and iconoclasts.
with :
mbal collection
fondazione monte verità collection
tonatiuh ambrosetti
riccardo arena
marco cordero
oppy de bernardo
fabrizio dusi
filippo filliger & dorothée thébert
olga fröbe-kapteyn
francesca gagliardi
johanna gschwend & mortiz hossli
maria guta & lauren huret
maya hottarek
lisa lurati
ingeborg lüscher
giaime meloni
luca mengoni
stéphane mercier
pascal murer
elena muresu
una szeemann
the cool couple
sophie taeuber & jean arp
marco useli
marianne werefkin
mary wigman
curation :
federica chiocchetti (mbal) and nicoletta mongini (fondazione monte verità)
with the support of :