The MBAL relies on public funding granted́ by the Ville du Locle and that provided by the Société́ des Beaux-Arts et du Musée, Le Locle. the MBAL exhibitions received fundamental support from the Loterie Romande and Pro Helvetia, whom we warmly thank. We sincerely thank Cédric Dupraz for his wonderful work and support.
For our current exhibition la scia del monte ou les utopistes magnétiques, our gratitude goes to the artists : Tonatiuh Ambrosetti, Riccardo Arena, Marco Cordero, Oppy de Bernardo, Fabrizio Dusi, Fattucchiere, Filippo Filliger & Dorothée Thébert, Francesca Gagliardi, Johanna Gschwend & Mortiz Hossli, Maria Guta & Lauren Huret, Maya Hottarek, Lisa Lurati, Ingeborg Lüscher, Giaime Meloni, Luca Mengoni, Stéphane Mercier, Pascal Murer, Elena Muresu, Una Szeemann, The Cool Couple, Marco Useli. Many thanks to our dear Nicoletta Mongini, Director of Culture at the Fondazione Monte Verità (Ascona) and co-curator of the exhibition la scia del monte ou les utopistes magnétiques, and to her team : Stefania Gallo (Administrative Director) et Leda Minoli (cultural sector associate).
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the lenders of the exhibition : Mara Folini (director) and her team at the Museo Comunale d’Arte Moderna of Ascona, Riccardo Bernardini (scientific secretary) and Fabio Merlini (president) of the Fondazione Eranos (Moscia), Sébastien Peter, director of the Cultural Services of the City of Locarno and his team. Additionally, we thank the Erna und Curt Burgauer Stiftung (Zürich) for their support in the production of the work She Who Wanders At Night d’Una Szeemann, Chiara Gatti director of the museum MAN of Nuoro, Sophie Mauch, Arno Hassler, Agnese Z’Graggen, the Bibliothèque des Jeunes (Le Locle) for their participation in the Marie-Anne Calame room for young audiences,as well as our dear technical partners : LACK Images et Makro Art. The Museum of Fine Arts would like to thank the generous donors, deposits and bequests that continually enrich its collection, from the Ville du Locle to the Swiss Confederation, as well as the Société des Beaux-Arts et du Musée, which created the museum, for its unfailing support.
We would also like to thank Dixi Services SA (Le Locle) for their financial contribution this year; MBAL’s partners also include Microcity SA (Neuchâtel), Fondation Oertli (Zurich) and Nivarox-FAR SA (Le Locle).