Oiseau voyageur

Kenojuak Ashevak (1927-2013)

Ashevak, one of Canada’s most celebrated Inuit artists, finds inspiration from the Arctic environment, often featuring birds, which hold significant value among the Inuit population. The engraving Oiseau voyageur depicts a three-headed, multi-winged creature, sympolizing the long-awaited return of spring. Donated to MBAL in 1985, this artwork is characterized by fine lines, simple forms, and red and black hues, all contributing to Ashevak’s enchanting universe. Inhabitants of this realm are fantastical creatures in perpetual metamorphosis, a testament to her boundless imagination.

This work was presented at MBAL during the exhibition animal instinct/instinct animal (2023-2024), in dialogue with other works of Inuit art from MBAL’s collection assembled in the 1950s by Charles Chautems.

Drypoint, inv. 713